Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What, you are on a holiday with just one another?

I am writing this from Perth. Michelle and I have been here for several days and with a few more to go.  We have driven over 1000km  in 4 days, through winding coastal and forest roads, passing vast expanse of farmlands and vineyards, stopping by wineries and visiting  caves and waterfalls in the Margaret River.

Our friends in Australia were surprised, "What? Only the two of you on a holiday?"

The question did not surprise us. Most couples who have been married for a while usually go on holidays with friends and family. Not many go on their own because, "It will be too boring. What do you do with each other on a long holiday? Can you really enjoy your holiday without others around you?"

Not for us. While we still go on holidays with friends and family, Michelle and I love spending time just with each other. We will not give up our couple-time holidays because we know that we need such times to relax, refresh, recreate and strengthen our love for each other. This is of highest priority for us and for those who want to be good lovers for life!

For this particular holiday, we did not prepare ahead where we wanted to visit. Our plan was to simply enjoy time together - that is the most important reason for us to be away from Singapore. We wanted an undisturbed week alone; to renew and enjoy the pleasure of being just with each other. So we just go with the flow, spontaneously deciding on the destinations only on the night before. After all, sightseeing is not the core reason for this holiday.

On Monday, we decided to have lunch at a vineyard and then visit a special cave about 300km from where we stayed. Unfortunately, I was misled by the on-board GPS and took the coastal and forest road, which was shorter but would take much longer time due to the speed limits. I should have listened to Michelle when she told me to just stick with the paper map and drive on the highway. Because I am an engineer by training, I stuck to the sweet voice of Miss GPS.

We finally arrived at the vineyard an hour and half later than planned. Thankfully, the lunch in the woods was wonderful - delicious food, great wine and good conversation. We got carried away and finally reached the cave just after 4pm, only to find out that we were too late for the last tour of the day, which left at 3.30pm. We were told to return the next day. But we did not want to drive 600km again.

I felt a little disappointed as we began our drive back to Mandurah. To add to that, I accidentally sat on my glasses and broke it. I did not have a spare one with me so I had to wear my sunglasses to see clearly. That is, until night fell.

It turned out to be a long drive - more than 3 hours and half of that time was in the dark. There was no R&R rest point along the route and driving in the unlighted highway at 110km/hr with sunglasses on was rather strenuous for me. And we were both tired.

Tempers could have flared. The following exchanges could have taken place.

"Why didn't you listen to me in the first place?"
"We drove all the way for nothing!"
"You should have planned better."
"The holiday is ruined."
"Shut up!"

No, Michelle and I did not end up with those exchanges. Not at all.

We are on a holiday to enjoy each other more than the sights and the sites and we will not allow any circumstances to ruin our time together. And we did well to keep that up!

On that long drive back to our resort, we talked joyfully about how we are enjoying ourselves. We prayed for our family, our friends, our church and those who are with us in the Family Life ministry. We sang praises to God. Those 3 hours passed rather quickly and surprisingly, enjoyably.

Michelle and I totally believe in the need for constantly renewing and refreshing our relationship. We need time off for ourselves to recharge and renew our strength in order to help others. We would not allow any unpleasant circumstances or mistakes to ruin our holiday plan.

So, the next time you are on a holiday with your lover, remember you are there to enjoy each other - sightseeing is not the focus; your lover is! Don't let anything or anyone ruin your time together.

Good lovers enjoy each other more than anything or anyone else.

Your comments and sharing are most welcome. Fuel debate, share your experience and ask questions. Click "Comment" to have you say! You are also encouraged to mark your reaction to my post....


Unknown said...

What a romantic story....

Steven Chan said...

Wee Boon, I am sure if you told your stories, they would be just as, if not more, romantic.