Michelle and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary in January 2012. We had known each other for 3 years casually before we courted for another 6 years. That is to say, we have known each other for close to 40 years.
40 years seem like a long time. For many couples who have been together this long (or even less), there is little desire left for one another. Romance has become a word found only in their memory and love is no longer felt.
In the Singapore government's Report on the State of the Family, "empty-nester" divorces amongst non-Muslim couples in their 50s have risen significantly. The report said, "it is likely that ... after the children had grown up that they found there were no other reasons to cling on to the marriage." How sad?
How do we then protect ourselves from reaching that point of having no other reasons to cling on the marriage?
My answer is simply, "husband and wife must be great lovers for life."
I am a man blessed with a wife who is a great lover. I am a great lover too because she made me one. And I make her continue to be a great lover by being a great lover myself!
So, Lesson 101 is ... "Take the initiative to be a great lover! Don't wait for your spouse to be one first."
You are the greatest reason for your spouse to be that great lover that you want him or her to be. I love my wife deeply because she is my great lover. She is a great lover to me because I am a great lover to her. Profound? No, this is the universal law of sowing and reaping and it works every time.
Let me end this week's blog by quoting the following song written by King Solomon, describing the desire of his lover for him.
Let me end this week's blog by quoting the following song written by King Solomon, describing the desire of his lover for him.
Kiss me—full on the mouth!
Yes! For your love is better than wine,
headier than your aromatic oils.
The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook.
No wonder everyone loves to say your name!
Take me away with you! Let's run off together!
An elopement with my King-Lover!
We'll celebrate, we'll sing,
we'll make great music.
Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine.
Everyone loves you—of course! And why not?
Songs of Solomon 1:2-4 (MSG)
Yes! For your love is better than wine,
headier than your aromatic oils.
The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook.
No wonder everyone loves to say your name!
Take me away with you! Let's run off together!
An elopement with my King-Lover!
We'll celebrate, we'll sing,
we'll make great music.
Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine.
Everyone loves you—of course! And why not?
Songs of Solomon 1:2-4 (MSG)
So friends, start by being a great lover to your spouse. I guarantee you that he/she will respond in kind!
God bless.
God bless.
"Never self-possessed, or prudent,
Love is all abandonment." - Emerson
Hi Steven ,
Praise the Lord for your sharing ;please continue to teach and bless us !!
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