Michelle and I are extremely intimate with one another. Not only has intimacy brought us pleasure and joy, it has helped us through our difficult times, overcoming every single attack on our marital relationship.
Our intimacy has kept us in love and we truly believe that it will keep us loving each other until the end of our life. For this reason, we fuel intimacy deliberately.
But before you conclude that we are merely having sex all the time, let me clarify what intimacy means to us.
We practice intimacy on 5 different aspects of our relationship; spiritual, emotional, physical, recreational and financial.
Spiritual intimacy is on the top of our list.
Keeping a marriage strong is warfare. The enemy has set many traps to break marriages and families. He has been doing this since he tempted the first couple and he is not about to stop. We need to build a defense against these attacks.
Spiritual intimacy lies in the core of this defense.
Michelle and I build spiritual intimacy by constantly praying with each other and for one another. Marriage is a tripartite affair. Without our Abba Father being our Third Party, the challenges become difficult to surmount. With Him, we are assured of victory.
We discovered an important truth - there is something spiritual about prayer and praying together. Praying declares our dependency on God. Praying together brings the Holy Spirit right into the situation we are facing. When that happens, Michelle's and my heart begin to be aligned with His love. His love helps us overcome every single strand of anger, unforgiveness and hurt in us.
Praying allows me to see my own faults instead those of Michelle's or children's. And I ultimately cry out, "Change me, Lord." When that happens, my rights, which really are my selfishness, give way to a love that reaches outwards rather than craving inwards. It is the same for her.
So, instead of expending our energy fighting against one another, Michelle and I have learned to redirect our energy to prayer whenever when anger or a problem rears its ugly self. We pray in the spirit to allow the Holy Spirit to take control. The record is a 100% success.
I am sure that most serious Christian couples pray for each other. But we must go one level higher - pray together with one another and pray like this regularly. This is the penultimate practice to build a strong and powerful marriage.
Let me share what Michelle and I pray for together daily.
We bless one another and declare God's leadership in each other's life and in our relationship. We pray for our children. We pray for our pastors, our church, our ministry, fellow Christians and whatever the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray.
We pray TOGETHER and most of the time either holding hands or in embrace. The Holy Spirit does not allow praying together and fighting against each other to co-exist. As a result, we don't fight each other any more.
We are intimate in our spirit and with The Third Party. The result is amazing, beyond words in fact. If you want a wonderful relationship with your spouse, build your spiritual intimacy first. The Holy Spirit gives assurance of success.
Great lovers built their love with spiritual intimacy.
I will share on emotional intimacy in my next post.
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